Country Arts Support Program (CASP) Successful Recipients 2025
The aim of the Country Arts Support Program is to support community arts and cultural development in regional NSW through small grants that:
Assist locally determined community arts and cultural activities.
Increase opportunities for regionally-based groups to access a diverse range of arts programs.
Enable communities to explore and express their cultural identities.
Bring social and economic benefits to the community through training, employment and promotional opportunities.
Lead to greater awareness and appreciation of cultural diversity.
Increase the sustainability and resilience of regionally based community arts organisations.
Bega District Band
The Bega District Band will sustain its Bega All-Ages Development band (BAAD Band) and launch a Complete Beginner Program, providing music education and performance opportunities. Through accessible music programs, the band will enhance community engagement, social connections and cultural enrichment.
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Candelo Arts Society
'Unordinary Avenue' will feature a series of collaborative art making projects and spaces along William Street as a flagship event in the 2025 Candelo Village Festival on 29 March 2025. The event will be coordinated by artist Rae Kennedy, who draws on a wealth of experience in community arts practice.
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Monaro Family Support Service
Celebrating Creativity and Abilities: Art for All on the Monaro (CAM) is a community led art exhibition program to build and share the artistic skills of Monaro residents with disabilities and their carers. Workshops will support participants to develop their artistc skills which will then be on public display in local libraries for the whole community to enjoy for International Day for People with a Disability on 3 December 2025.
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FLING Physical Theatre
Take the Pressure Down 2025, delivered by FLING Physical Theatre, is a transformative project that demystifies pathways into careers in the arts. By connecting youth with professional artists, we can showcase the diverse journeys people take into careers, inspire creative futures, and catalyse meaningful connections between emerging and established artists.
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Eden Community Access Centre
Eden Community Access Centre is working collaboratively with Eden Local Aboriginal Land Council to coordinate a popup exhibition of local sculptures at Snug Cove, Eden. This initial stage of broader ambitions, including Eden Sculpture Walk, workshops, mentoring and permanent installations will demonstrate proof of concept towards a larger project.
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Theatre Onset
Theatre Onset will bring their original musical extravaganza, "The Songcrafters" to life on stage in the Bega Valley in 2025. Featuring a cast of largery youth actors with a band of professional musicians supporting them, directed by an experienced director. This is an exciting and ambitious project for Theatre Onset.
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CASP Successful Recipients 2024
A diverse range of creative projects in the south east have received a total of $21,000 through the Country Arts Support Program (CASP) for 2024. The seven successful projects cover dance, music, film, photography and digital projection art, taking place in various towns and villages of the region.
“We had a very competitive round this time and it was encouraging to see a number of first-time applicants” explained Andrew Gray from South East Arts. “Some of the region’s professional arts organisations such as Fling and Stonewave Taiko were supported, along with a range of festivals including Sculpture Bermagui, Delegate Festival of Arts and Ephemeral Festival”.
CASP provides up to $3000 for small projects and helps to support new initiatives, as well as existing events and programs. Over the years, many projects supported by CASP have developed into larger and ongoing projects. One example is My Black Dog by Fling Physical Theatre, which was supported through CASP for the first performances in 2019. Since then My Black Dog has been developed into a short film and in 2024 the live show will tour to regional communities across NSW with the support of CASP.
South East Arts runs the CASP funding round each year, financially supported by Create NSW. The next round of CASP funding in the south east region will open in late 2024 for projects the following year.
My Black Dog – Fling Physical Theatre
My Black Dog Regional Tour will see FLING's award winning work presented in regional communities across NSW in 2024. My Black Dog is designed to support the mental health of young people living regionally, aiming to tackle stigma and catalyse an important conversation about health, wellbeing and regional life.
Lights, Camera, Image - Delegate Progress Association
Over the weekend of 26-28 April, award winning photographer Peter Solness & video producer Murray Van der Veer will conduct a workshop utilising a method known as light painting to capture and enhance images. Delegate Early Settlers Hut and a local wool shed have been chosen as the venues.
Bioluminescence @ Sculpture Bermagui – Sculpture Bermagui
Bioluminescence is a workshop for young people in the Bermagui, Narooma and Cobargo area who will develop a site specific video mapping performance as a part of Sculpture Bermagui 2024. The project engages young people with their environment, teaches them creative technology and event management skills and facilitates community participation.
Making Miyake - Stonewave Taiko Inc
Stonewave Taiko will invite Haruyoshi Tsumura sensei to the Bega Valley in July 2024 to run workshops leading to the start of a Miyake group in this area. Workshops will be held for members and the public over 3 days as part of our Bega Big Matsuri (Japanese Festival).
Ephemeral 2024 - Pambula Wetlands and Heritage Project Inc
Pambula Wetlands and Heritage Project, with the Lonely Arts Club Pambula, are collaborating to present Ephemeral – a one day festival celebrating the ephemeral landscape of Panboola and the creativity it inspires. A vibrant program of art, creative workshops and musicians to be held at Panboola on 13 April 2024.
Delegate Festival of Arts: Our Place - Delegate School of Arts
The Delegate Festival of Arts: Our Place is an event held every two years. It supports visiting and local artists and creatives. In 2024, the program will be held in the Delegate School of Arts Memorial Hall, the Bundian Way Gallery and the Delegate Country Club over the October Long Weekend.
SoundBoy Short Film - Little Tech
SoundBoy is a narrative short film about the youth culture on the south coast of NSW, specifically highlighting the music scene. The intention with making this film is to bring on board a host of young local talent, to give opportunities not usually available in the region.
Image: Hope in the bones by Jo Victoria
One of the artists featured in the Epicorm Collective
Country Arts Support Program supports arts projects
Through their Country Arts Support Program (CASP), South East Arts is pleased to announce $18,000 in funding to organisations in the south east to support arts and cultural projects in 2023. The funding will provide $3000 each to six projects located in the Bega Valley, Eurobodalla and Snowy Monaro.
A diverse range of arts organisations were supported by CASP in the funding round, including Eurobodalla River of Art Festival, Raglan Gallery in Cooma and Epicorm Collective. Other successful applicants included the recently established Eurobodalla Chamber Orchestra, as well as the Tilba Chamber of Commerce and the Bega Show Society.
“CASP funding from Create NSW is provided annually for the Regional Arts Organisations like us, to run a small grants round,” explained Andrew Gray Executive Director of South East Arts. “In 2022 we ran the first round in May for both individual artists and organisations with funding worth $34,000 that included support from our public fund. Late last year we ran a second round to support small projects in 2023 and this will be the timing of CASP funding from now on.”
“In this round we were pleased to receive submissions from many first-time applicants as well as a number of non-arts organisations looking to use cultural engagement for broader community outcomes.” said Andrew Gray.
CASP Successful Recipients 2023
Embers, Epicorm II – Epicorm Collective (auspiced by Southcoast Health and Sustainability Alliance)
A curated art exhibition showcasing the works of seven female multidisciplinary, multigenerational, multicultural Eurobodalla artists, responding to the Black Summer fires. Running from May to June at the BAS Moruya, the exhibition traverses the varied phases of the event and its aftermath, with a focus on community/environmental rejuvenation, resilience and healing.
Bega Show Society Taste & Talent Festival – Bega AP&H Society
Opening day & night of the 2023 Bega Show, featuring music and ethnic dancing, a talent competition and multicultural food vans. The Show Opening ceremony will include a Welcome and smoking ceremony, together with Aboriginal dancing. Local artists and groups will be supporting the event.
Munggara-dha/my home – River of Art Inc
Munggara-dha/my home is an exciting collaboration between Muladha Gamara and River of Art that explores concepts of placemaking and connection in Eurobodalla. Traditional dance story-telling integrated with contemporary techniques of art animation, light projections and audio culminate in a live performance and viedography during River of Art Festival in September 2023.
Art After Hours - Raglan Gallery and Cultural Centre Inc
A two-term evening course designed for those in employment, and others, who want to learn to draw, but are unable to attend daytime classes. Workshops will be presented by Gillian Jenkins, a professionally trained artist with exhibition, curatorial and teaching experience since 1991.
Art exhibition in Tilba Halls - Tilba District Chamber of Commerce
Visual art exhibition by 4 local artists in partnership with an historical display by the Tilba Chamber of Commerce in Central Tilba Hall during the Easter school holidays in 2023.
Orchestra Workshop - Eurobodalla Chamber Orchestra
A workshop for amateur players of orchestral instruments led by professional musicians in June 2023 at the Red Door Hall, St John’s Anglican Church and Mechanics Institute, Moruya.